What We're About (aka Why YOU Should Play Our Games): Schpass Games is about real games that are real fun. If a game isn't complete on launch, and more importantly isn't FUN on launch, then it isn't worth shipping in the first place. No BS, and no obfuscation. Real games made by real gamers.
Who We Are: Hi! My name's Rudy. I'm lead programmer and designer for Schpass Games. I also run all our social media, including our Twitter and YouTube channel. I founded Schpass Games on a whim on May 5th, 2020 with my "My Pledge" video on our YouTube channel (You can view that video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rq5dCdsqGA).
What We Hope To Accomplish Here: Along with some of my very talented and creative friends, I hope to create games that are interesting and, above all else, FUN for people to play and engage with. It is my personal opinion that the indie game scene is currently lacking a lot of the complete and cohesive experiences it has become so famous for in years prior, largely relying on demos and early access to sell its far-off promises of a great game and only occasionally delivering on said promises. Schpass Games hopes to provide players with the kinds of games worth getting excited about, without the need for constantly-changing release dates and half-finished garbage. We're about consistency and quality above all else.
All in all, we're gamers who are passionate about making games. If you like what you've read so far, try one of our games out. Who knows, you might even like it. ;p
Rudy (5/28/20)